4 common wear problems and preventive measures for gas springs

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Gas springs (or gas pressure springs) may wear during use, affecting their performance and life. Common wear problems and their causes are as follows:

1. Seal wear: The seals inside the gas spring may wear after long-term use, causing gas leakage and reduced gas spring pressure. This is usually caused by friction, aging or improper lubrication.

2. Piston rod wear: The piston rod contacts the inner wall of the cylinder during movement and may wear due to friction. This causes the gas spring to move unevenly and may even get stuck. Dust and impurities in the environment are also a major factor in piston rod wear.

3. Cylinder wear: The inner wall of the cylinder may also be worn during the reciprocating motion of the piston rod, especially in the case of poor lubrication. This affects the sealing performance and life of the gas spring.

4. Lubricant failure: The lubricant inside the gas spring may fail or deteriorate after long-term use, resulting in increased wear. This may be caused by high temperature, contaminants or lubricant quality problems

Preventive and maintenance measures

1. Regular inspection and maintenance: Regularly check the sealing and lubrication of the gas spring, and replace worn seals and lubricants in time.

2. Keep it clean: Prevent dust and impurities from entering the gas spring, especially when used in harsh environments, you can consider using a dust cover.

3. Choose the right gas spring: According to the use environment and conditions, choose the right gas spring model and material to ensure its wear resistance and durability.

4. Correct installation and use: Ensure that the gas spring is installed correctly, avoid lateral force and excessive stretching or compression, and extend its service life.

Through these preventive measures, the wear of the gas spring can be effectively reduced, and its service life and performance can be improved. If the gas spring is found to be severely worn, it is recommended to replace it in time to avoid greater losses and safety hazards.


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